Daily Archives: October 20, 2014

Mike Larkin’s “A Compendium of Selfie Reflections (For My Students)”

My colleague Mike Larkin is a triple threat:  engaging writer, intriguing thinker, and encouraging teacher.  He’s helping his students share their work publicly on his blog and anywhere else it might spread, and I’m hoping they end up with a bigger audience than they imagined.

You can help encourage them by reading their online writing–or even just by “liking” their posts when they appear, wherever they appear.

If you want to peek behind the curtain, see Mike’s blog post  A compendium of selfie reflections (for my students).

At the end, he notes several reasons that he wrote the post, concluding that

mostly I wrote this for my current students, who will be embarking on writing some digital, multimodal essays about online identity in the coming month.

I offer this brief essay as an example to them, and I’m hoping to encourage them to let me share some of their work publicly here. Given their facility with technology, I’m sure they can do much more interesting things with digital tools than I’ve managed to do in this blog post. (Oh, look at that textual selfie he just took–so humble!)