Tag Archives: jake merlin

One Question, Many Answers #3

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “reading”?


“The odd places and attitudes I see children put themselves into while reading. I worry that ‘today’s kids’ don’t read. But SF/F novels’ popularity belies that concern.”

–Anonymous fan at BayCon 2017
East Bay Linux Users Group


“Books, lots of books.”

–Anonymous fan at BayCon 2017


“Imagination and excitement.”

–Jean Martin (costumer, editor-in-chief, dancer)
Creative Avocations


“Detectives, desolate highways, coffee, comfy chair, rain.”

–Tyler Hayes (Author)
The One About Jacob” (short story)


“How many books I have to finish.”

–Anna Rose (Author)
A Darker Shadow by Jake Keplin


“Being entertained by my own head, on my own terms, a perfect comfort and best pastime.”

–Meg Elison (Author)
The Book of Etta